Seattle Times Locksport Feature

I’m honored and excited that the Seattle Times featured Seattle Locksport in their Sunday, January 26th, 2025 Northwest section. The article discusses the comradery of our group, what it’s like to compete in locksport events, and has an awesome video that my friend LockpickingDev narrated. Take a minute to check it out!

Thanks BlueHat!

Thanks for another awesome con, BlueHat! We had a great time teaching hundreds of people how to pick locks and having them compete for the fastest open. Even Clippy got in on the action! I also was happy to get to sign several copies of my Locksport book, which was included in the book prize drawing.

Lock Timer Update

Just in time for HushCon this year, I released a new version of the Lock Timer app. This is the first major update of the app since I built my original set of lock stands back in 2017. Changes include:

  • Added single-player mode
  • Added maximum time support
  • Made the UI layout support non-standard resolutions
  • Updated code to support Python 3.9.x
  • Updated code to support GuiZero 1.5.0

Enjoy! Let me know if you build your own timer game!

Screenshot of Lock Timer UI

Thanks DEF CON 31!

Thanks to everyone who came by to visit our book signing! We had a great time meeting you and hope you enjoy the early release of Locksport or Pentesting Azure Applications! I’m also excited to say that today we submitted the penultimate edits for Locksport to the production team — just one more review once the page numbers are locked to verify the index and the final version is off to the printer!

Also thanks to Max for the shoutout in the DEF CON media video interview!

Pre-Order Locksport book for pickup at DEF CON 31!

I’m excited to announce that we will have an early release version of our new book, Locksport, available in print at DEF CON 31 this August! Even better, several of the authors (including me!) will be at the No Starch Press booth to sign copies! You should pre-order the book now, as it will sell out. Pre-orders close July 7, so don’t wait. The book signing will be on Saturday, August 12th at 1pm.

Pre-order here.

More information about the book is here.